Why are First-Party Cookies Essential?

hüseyin genç
3 min readOct 13, 2021


Google announced that it would restrict third-party cookies in 2022. In this way, third-party cookies can be blocked by users in Chrome along with Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox, and others. This announcement has caused great concern in the online advertising industry. However, sites will continue to collect first-party cookies.

The question of whether first-party cookies are sufficient for advertising is being frequently asked? In this article, we will talk about the ins and outs of first-party cookies?

What are Third-Party Cookies?

Third-party cookies run similarly in the browser and collect information about the users. Although the session on the website was over, the websites were able to examine the behavior of the user in order to organize their retargeting strategy. In other words, they were offering personalized ads to users based on their online experience. For example, when the user who wants to buy a boot writes on the search engine and enters e-commerce sites, and looks at the boot. Now the user becomes the target of boot ads together with third-party cookies. In addition, Facebook Pixel monitors users’ movements on online sites with third-party cookies and tries to optimize the advertising experience for both users and advertisers. Although it seems dystopian, this information does not contain personal identification information. However, third-party cookies are restricted due to increasing personal security measures because they can create a virtual identity according to authorities.

Are First-Party Cookies New Heroes for Advertisements?

First-party cookies contain only the users’ behavior on that website. For example, when you enter an e-commerce site, your user information and a credit card are remembered with first-party cookies. Likewise, some of these cookies are stored on users’ computers. Again, first-party cookies can observe the basic movements and behaviors, but this only covers the experience within that website. One of the reasons that make first-party cookies so important is that they are allowed by almost every browser. It is not subject to permission by any Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox user. Another advantage is that it is possible to analyze website visitors’ behavior by using first-party cookies. Thus e-commerce companies create a retargeting strategy based on this analysis.

Enhencer is the Key

Enhencer continues its activity as a platform not affected by the new Ios14 version and Google changes. The reason why Enhencer is not affected by these changes is that it uses first-party cookies. Enhencer understands the visitors’ purchasing habits by examining their behavior with the data it receives through the Google Tag Manager. Enhencer automatically segments website visitors with an AI-Based algorithm. Thus, e-commerce companies use website data to obtain a valuable audience for advertising. Online advertising is changing day by day. With third-party cookies, it may seem to some that the golden age of internet advertising is over. However, Enhencer helps marketing strategies by uncovering a precious mine in the hands of e-commerce websites with first-party cookies. Therefore, it is now easier to optimize ads with advanced tools like Enhencer.

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hüseyin genç
hüseyin genç

Written by hüseyin genç

Philosopher, Advertiser, Stand-up Comedian and Cinema Writer

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